Our Vision
The Dawul Wuru Aboriginal Corporation (the Corporation) is an Aboriginal Traditional Owner owned, managed and governed community organisation servicing the eastern north Queensland area between Cairns and Port Douglas.
The Corporation was established in 2010 to protect, secure, support and promote the rights and interests of local Aboriginal Traditional owners and custodians. The Corporation is an incorporated association registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006.
We are committed to:
- Providing a strong voice;
- Asserting rights and traditions;
- Advancing interests;
- Strengthening Foundations;
- Providing Employment, Education and Training;
- Building Business and Entrepreneurship;
- Developing Strong Partnerships and Co-management
- Arrangements; and
- Securing our Future
Our Future
We want to create a future for ourselves, our families, and our community through taking a leadership role to improve social, economic, environmental, and cultural outcomes for our community and region.
We want to develop partnerships to create real change and advance mutual interests, so that we can:
- Achieve environmental and cultural heritage benefits in the national interest;
- Provide real, long-term jobs, and greater economic certainty to individuals, families and our community;
- Provide pathways to establish business enterprises based on land and culture;
- Improve health and well being of our people including confidence, self esteem and hope;
- Strengthen and encourage leadership; and build relationships and partnerships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous organisations.
The Corporation is governed by an elected board of directors determining priorities, policies, and strategic directions and monitoring of the overall performance of the organisation.
In addition, the Corporation has an Indigenous Terms of Reference, which reflects and observes protocols or considerations that are set by the local Traditional owner community.
The Corporation’s governance philosophy is underpinned by principles of accountability, transparency and openness, integrity, leadership and commitment.
The Corporation has a work health and safety system, robust administrative framework, and experience for managing contracts and projects with multiple sites, stakeholder groups and milestones.